Archive for May, 2018

Hi All, I figured its time for an update.  A lot has been going on at various fronts, although the big ones have been related to Tunnels & Trolls and the new Grimtooth Trapsylvania project.  But I’ve had people ask me what conventions I’ll be doing so here is the current list:  There may be more added, but with my huge workload that may prove difficult.  Guess I’m more of a workhorse than a show-horse – lol.

00 Steve Cons 2018

Phoenix Comic Fest: May 24-27 2018  – Steve Crompton/Carnal Comics booth
Gen-Con: (in Indianapolis) Aug 2-5 2018 – Flying Buffalo Booths

Free Game Day1
Tunnels & Trolls
: For T&T, we manged to get the Free RPG book completed and off to the printers in time for it to get to the stores!  I brought together 3 different T&T related companies (Flying Buffalo, MetaArcade & Japan’s Group SNE) to contribute in various ways to help make this project particularly special. We are sending 7000 copies to Game stores in the US and Europe! Flying Buffalo paid for most of it, MetaArcade also contributed funds and Group SNE gave us permission to use the art from their Japanese publication all for no cost.  On top of that I donated all my time and efforts to layout and do the graphics for the book and none-other-than- Ken St Andre wrote a new solo adventure to go into this book. He also donated that as part of the effort to promote T&T to new players.  More details about this project HERE.

In other T&T related news we got Sewers of Oblivion updated for dT&T and it is now available on Drive-thru. and the T&T Adventures Japan book has been a big hit with the fans.  We really think this is going to attract new players to the game and including the T&T Mini-rules into the book has been very well-received by stores and distributors.  We’ll be doing that more frequently in future T&T products!

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Grimtooth’s Trapsylvania: I’ve been working on this project for some time and now it is done and pretty much ready to go to press. Goodman Games will be doing a Kickstarter for this probably sometime in June!  Virtually every artist and editor who worked on the original Traps books did new art or wrote something for this 144 page Magnum Opus.  Contributors include Ken St Andre, Liz Danforth, Paul O’Connor, Bear Peters, Debora Kerr and Scott Jackson. and I wrote most of it with the other contributors adding locations or traps and Grimtooth oversaw it all (of course!)  Once the Kickstarter is  up, I’ll post a link to it!  It will also have a section with stats for the DCC RPG (written by Terry Olsen)

Other Projects: I also have completed a new comic that I will be releasing at Phoenix Comic Fest, along with some other new art and buttons. Plus I finished off the Dice project for Flying Buffalo and got all the new Nuclear War cards made for the Nuclear War Card Game Kickstarter.  We have some other kickstarters also in various stages of progress, and I’ll update you on those as news comes forth – so stay tuned!  And Debora Kerr and I are still making progress on finishing the City of the Gods 3rd novel.  There is so much more to do and work on – but time my is short!

Have a question of a comment?  Be sure to post below – I’ll be watching…