Archive for August, 2015

Catching Up 2015

Posted: August 24, 2015 in Uncategorized
A selection of my projects for 2015 (so far)

                                                     A selection of my projects for 2015 (so far)

Hi all!  As you can see it been quite a while since my last post.  Much like one of my partners on the Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls Project, I have been putting off blogging so that I could concentrate on getting that project and the Traps collection finished.

The good news is that BOTH of those are now done and my schedule has opened up a little bit.  I can finally do things like get back to working on the City of the Gods, some comic projects and organizing my art and writings.

With Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls I did the layout, drew the maps, scanned and inked many of Liz Danforth’s pieces as well as many of my own illustrations.  I was also the Project manager and it was my job to keep everyone motivated and on deadline so that the book was completed in as timely a manner as possible.  dT&T took over two years, but it ended up being a beautiful 386 page book, so when you see it, you’ll understand WHY it took so long.  I also created numerous other books and items for the games that were part of the kickstarter.  One of my favorites if the GM screen which incorporates the art of close to a dozen different cover artists of classic T&T solos.

The GM Screen - my digital collage using classic solo covers.

                              The GM Screen – my digital collage using classic solo covers.

Since last time I  also did several projects for Goodman Games including the Ultimate Traps Collections, Grimtooth’s Museum of Death, A Judges Guild Collection, Tales of Shudder Mountain and The 998th Conclave of Wizards.  Several of these are DCC Modules.  I hope to do more for them in the future.

In the Comic Dept I came out with Strange Bedfellows #5, which came out rather nicely.  It included a cover by Randy Vogel and a 3 new Demi /Vampirooni stories, in one of them they are teamed-up.

Fogel’s Underground Price Guide came out earlier this year and I did a lot of the ads and article layout for that, including a 2 page Vampirooni/Dan Fogel comic with Randy Vogel.  Many of the comics I have done over the last 20 years are also listed there, so I am a part of Underground comix history.

Nuclear War New cover art by Steven S Crompton

Nuclear War New cover art by Steven S  Crompton

Currently I’m working on the 50th Anniversary Nuclear War Card Game and I just got the cover done on that, so here it is. I have about 17 cards to create as well as some new population cards.  So I remain busy.

I’ll try to post more frequently – sorry about the long delays between posts!